David Caballero đến dự lễ kỷ niệm 40 năm thành lập Tetris để gặp gỡ một số gương mặt nổi tiếng và hoàng gia chơi game.
"Hi friends, so I snuck into the Tetris 40th anniversary celebration here in in LA in the Soho warehouse and I don't know if you can see it but in the background we have Alexey Pajitnov himself and Hank Rogers who yeah I mean if you've been following video games you know for sure who they are but if not perhaps you saw the movie last year it's pretty fun and I know about them and about the the spy story and about the the rise of Tetris so we have a presentation now I don't know what they are going I think they're going to talk about the franchise and the new collaborations with Minecraft etc and I I don't have any appointment with him but I'm gonna try to get a hold of Pajitnov himself I've already greeted him and and you know thanked him for for Tetris and I'm giving him my my congratulations on on the 40th anniversary so happy birthday Tetris"